In addition to the counselling service and monitoring project, EACH ONE is also an intersectional archive. In this archive we collect knowledge about Anti-Black Racism, which helps us to develop strategies against discrimination and racism. The empirical knowledge of Black people, which is made visible through the monitoring of Anti-Black Racism, is central here. A wide-ranging collection of specialist literature, articles, reports and scientific works on Anti-Black Racism complements our inventory.
> Monitoring Reports, Intersectionality Reports, Trial observation reports, Psychogreographies etc.
> EOTO’s Online-Catalogue (OPAC)
> Here you can submit your scientific papers and articles.
Interested individuals, researchers and politically active people are always welcome to ask questions or do research.
Please direct questions to: jennifer.aghedo[at]

Publication of the Intersectionality Report “Black Realities of Life and the Berlin Police Department”
Invitation to the publication of our first intersectionality report “Black Life Realities and the Berlin Police” by Each One Antidiscrimination – A project of Each One Teach One e.V.
and Shipping action until 11.06.21

Confrontations with the N-word are part of everyday life for Black people in Germany. EACH ONE Antidiscrimination (EOTO e.V.) documented several incidents of discrimination in 2019 in which the N-word played a role. This shows how closely racist insults and treatment are intertwined. It is high time to take to the (digital) streets and stop the N-word!
(The press release is in German)

Dear communities, partners and allies,
EOTO has reorganised its youth and councelling work in relation to the COVID19 pandemic and related restrictions.
We would be pleased if you would share the information below with Black, African and Afrodiasporic people, communities and organisations.

Podcast: “Without oppression, there can be no power”
30.3.2020 How do power relations develop? What does Multiple Discrimination mean? And is a society without power possible? A podcast episode to clarify the terms.
Black Atlantic
The Black Atlantic Ocean is the sky under which we connect – Introducing EACH ONE, an counselling office by and for Black people.
Anti-Black Racism is deeply rooted in society. Institutions are often complicit in this. There is an urgent need to raise public awareness and to establish comprehensive and effective measures to protect Black people and people of colour against discrimination.
(This article is in German)
«A space where they can be as they are»
«A space where they can be as they are»
Each One Teach One (EOTO) e.V. is an association by and for black, African and Afrodiasporic people in Togostraße 76. EOTO is known for its youth program. Miriam Chebaibai Koch works in this area as social advisor in the anti-discrimination project Each One. How young Black people at EOTO e.V. expand their capacity to act in Wedding…
(This article is in German)
«Let it hurt more»
Lobbyist Jeff Klein on anti-racism: “Let it hurt more”
With bento, Jeff Klein talks about how he has learned to embrace his Blackness. And how his organisation is using the “AfroZensus” to survey Black Germany.
(This article is in German)